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For the period

SCO Secretary-General Meets with Minister of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic

SCO Secretary-General Meets with Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic

SCO Investors Association Events

Meeting with Delegation of the Eurasian Economic Forum’s Secretariat

SCO Secretary General’s Meeting with Bashkortostan Republic Delegation

Participating in E-commerce Events

Participation in 7th China International Import Expo in Shanghai

The SCO Interbank Consortium Holds a Seminar

Roundtable Discussion on Promoting Advanced Agricultural Practices within the SCO

Statement of Secretary-General Zhang Ming at the Press Conference after the Meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the SCO Member States

Speech by Secretary-General Zhang Ming at the 23rd Meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Joint Communique of the twenty-third Meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

SCO Secretariat takes part in a Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) roundtable

Second Digital Silk Road Forum for promoting cutting-edge technology

A delegation from the SCO Secretariat took part in "INNOPROM - 2024"

Meeting of the SCO Business Council Board

SCO Young Entrepreneurs Forum

SCO Secretary-General takes part in the presentation of the Demonstration Zone for China-SCO regional trade and economic cooperation

Meeting of the Board of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s Interbank Consortium

SCO Deputy Secretary-General’s meeting with Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan

SCO Energy Ministers Meeting

Meeting of SCO Ministers of Transport


The first meeting of Heads of SCO Ministries and Agencies responsible for the antimonopoly policy

The eighth meeting of the Special Working Group on Promoting Investment of the SCO Member States

Эмблема ШОС

International conference of SCO member states on empowering youth through the digital economy

38th meeting of SCO Ad Hoc Working Group on Customs Cooperation

SCO-FAO Dialogue on Food Security

 О конференции «Региональная взаимосвязанность для регионального развития»

Transport Connectivity for Regional Development conference

Заместитель Генерального секретаря ШОС встретился с членом Коллегии ЕЭК

SCO Deputy Secretary-General meets with member of the Eurasian Economic Commission Board

Первый Международный транспортный форум ШОС

First SCO Transport Forum

По итогам заседания Совета глав правительств государств-членов Шанхайской организации сотрудничества подписан ряд документов

Documents signed following the SCO Heads of Government Council meeting

По итогам заседания Совета глав правительств государств-членов Шанхайской организации сотрудничества подписан ряд документов

The 22nd meeting of the Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

Joint communique following the 22nd meeting of the Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation


Regular Council of the Ministers of Foreign Economic and Trade Activity of the SCO Member States


SCO Secretariat attends Eurasian Economic Forum-2023

Заместитель Генерального секретаря Н.С.Ниязалиев

SCO Secretariat takes part in 30th China Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Fair


SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming meets with FAO Director-General QU Dongyu

Флаг ШОС

Press release on the SCO Secretariat’s participation in the 8th Eastern Economic Forum

Индустриальная выставка 2023

SCO Secretariat representatives take part in Smart China Expo (SCE 2023)

ШОС Самарканд

SCO Deputy Secretary-General attends International Conference on Food Security

Эмблема ШОС

Meeting of the SCO Secretary-General with the management of Habib Bank Limited

Секретариат ШОС принял участие в Международном круглом столе по вопросам логистики

SCO Secretariat takes part in an international roundtable discussion on logistics

Продолжается работа в рамках ШОС по расширению взаимных расчетов в национальных валютах

Mutual payments in national currencies


SCO Secretariat at INNOPROM 2023


SCO Secretary-General meets with Chairman of the Board of Directors, Russian Trading Company (RTC) in China


SCO Secretary-General meets with Board Member (Minister) for Energy and Infrastructure of Eurasian Economic Commission


SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming attends the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF)

Эмблема ШОС

SCO Business Council Board Meeting

Встреча глав железнодорожных администраций

Fourth meeting of the SCO Heads of Railway Administrations

«Региональные решения для устойчивого развития: пример ЕАЭС и других структур»

SCO Secretariat takes part in the event Regional Decisions for Sustainable Development: The Case of the EAEU and Other Structures during the 10th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development

Форум СНГ

The 15th International Economic Forum of the CIS Participant States Integration Dialogue: CIS, EAEU, SCO, BRICS

Встреча руководителей туристских администраций

Meeting of SCO countries’ tourism administrations heads

Совещание министров энергетики

3rd SCO Energy Ministers Meeting

Эмблема ШОС

SCO begins drafting Strategy for Economic Development to 2030

О Встрече министров финансов и председателей центральных (национальных) банков государств-членов ШОС

Meeting of SCO Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

Флаг ШОС Герб Эмблема

Expert meeting on agriculture


SCO continues work to expand trade in national currencies

Сохайл Хан

SCO Deputy Secretary-General participates in China-SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Area conference


Seminar on Capacity Building on Developing SCO Marquee Infrastructure