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For the period

Consultations between SCO and UN Secretariat

СНК Казахстан

SCO Council of National Coordinators meets for the first time under Kazakhstani chairmanship

Представители Секретариата ШОС приняли участие в XI Московской конференции по международной безопасности 1

Representatives of SCO Secretariat take part in 11th Moscow Conference on International Security

«Неделя делового партнерства регионов государств-членов ШОС»

SCO Deputy Secretary General takes part in Business Partnership Week between the regions of the SCO member states


Iran has introduced National Coordinator and Permanent Representative to the SCO Secretariat

Миссия наблюдателей от ШОС в Камбодже

SCO Observer Mission to the Kingdom of Cambodia

ГС и Посол ОАЭ

Meeting of the SCO Secretary General with the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates

Церемония подписания

The SCO signs a memorandum on granting the Kingdom of Bahrain the status of dialogue partner

ГС в Узбекистане

SCO Secretary-General meets with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev


Results of the SCO observer mission at the presidential election in Uzbekistan


SCO Observer Mission starts work in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Посол КР с Генсеком

SCO Secretary-General meets with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to China

 Встреча Генерального секретаря ШОС  с Послом Швейцарии в Китае

SCO Secretary-General meets with the Swiss Ambassador to China

Церемония поднятия флага ИРИ

State flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran hoisted in front of the SCO Secretariat building

Церемония поднятия флага ИРИ

State flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran hoisted in front of the SCO Secretariat building

ГС Саммит ШОС

Regular SCO Heads of State Council Meeting

Посол ИРИ и Генсек

SCO Secretary-General meets with Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran

ГС и Министр иностранных дел Шри-Ланки

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming meets with Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka Mohamed Ali Sabry


SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming's working visit to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Астана Форум

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming takes part in the Astana International Forum

Генсек и ООН

SCO Secretary-General meets with UN Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs

Посол Алжира и ГС

Secretary-General Zhang Ming meets Ambassador Hassane Rahehi of Algeria to China

ПДВ Швыдкой

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming meets with Russian Presidential Representative for International Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoi

лого индийского председательства

SCO Summit under India’s Chairmanship

Джанеш Кейн и КСА

SCO Deputy Secretary-General meets with Saudi Arabia Deputy Foreign Minister

ГС и Посол Ирана

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming meets with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the People’s Republic of China Mohammad Keshavarz-Zadeh


The SCO and ESCAP secretariats hold a joint event

79-я сессия

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming attends the 79th session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Чжан Мин и Президент КР

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming visits Kyrgyz Republic

Пресс-конференция ГС

Transcript of the SCO Secretary-General’s news conference following the SCO Foreign Ministers Council Meeting


News conference with SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming

Совместная церемония фотографирования

Meeting of SCO Foreign Ministers Council

Министр Пакистана и Чжан Мин

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming’s meeting with Minister of External Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

Министр Таджикистан и Чжан Мин

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming’s meeting with Foreign Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan

Министр Казахстана и Чжан Мин

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming meets with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu

Совместная церемония фотографирования

Meeting of SCO Foreign Ministers Council (4-5 May 2023, Panaji, Republic of India)

Церемония подписания Меморандумов

New SCO dialogue partners

Генсек и Министр Индии

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming’s meeting with Minister of External Affairs of the Republic of India Subrahmanyam Jaishankar

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming’s remarks at the SCO Foreign Ministers Council Meeting

Анонс заседание СМИД

Upcoming meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the SCO Member States


Secretary-General Zhang Ming leads the SCO Observer Mission to monitor the referendum on constitutional amendments in Uzbekistan


Regular meeting of the SCO Council of National Coordinators


Interdepartmental consultations on establishing an SCO anti-drug centre in Dushanbe

МИД Финляндии и Генсек ШОС

Finnish Foreign Ministry State Secretary visits the SCO Secretariat

Чжан Мин встретился с Цинь Ганом

China’s State Councillor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang receives SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming

Генеральный секретарь ШОС Чжан Мин

Dialogue between SCO School and University Students and the Crew of the Shenzhou-15 Chinese Spacecraft

помощник Президента АР

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming meets with Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan Anar Alakbarov

О встрече Генерального секретаря ШОС с  Генеральным секретарем Интерпола

SCO Secretary-General’s meeting with Interpol Secretary General

ГС и Сарыбай

Meeting with CICA Secretary General Kairat Sarybay

Заместитель Генерального секретаря ООН  Розмари Дикарло посетила Секретариат ШОС

UN Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo visited the SCO Secretariat

Генсек и Президент Монголии

SCO Secretary-General’s visit to Mongolia


Joint briefing of the SCO Secretariat and the Russian Embassy in Beijing

Совершенствование деятельности ШОС

Consultations on enhancing SCO performance


Regular Meeting of SCO Security Council Secretaries


Reconnect – Rejuvenate conference


SCO Observer Mission begins work on parliamentary elections in Turkmenistan

выборы в Туркменистане

Briefing by the SCO Observer Mission following the elections for deputies of Turkmenistan’s Mejlis, members of the People’s Council (Halk Maslakhaty) from provinces, districts, cities, and local councils


SCO and CIS observer missions share approach to election monitoring in Kazakhstan

Миссия наблюдателей от ШОС

SCO Observer Mission concludes work observing elections for Kazakhstan’s Majilis and Maslikhat


SCO Observer Mission members’ meeting with Kazakhstani political parties

Генсек и Руденко

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming’s consultations with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko

66-я сессия

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming attends the 66th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna

Ликвидация ЧС Семинар

India discusses disaster management in SCO member states

верховные судья

Eighteenth meeting of the chairs of the Supreme Courts of the SCO member states

верховные судья

Eighteenth meeting of the chairs of the Supreme Courts of the SCO member states

Чжан Мин и Лукашенко

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming's visit to the Republic of Belarus

две сессии

SCO Secretariat representatives take part in opening Two Sessions

Чжан Мин и Раиси

SCO Secretary-General completes his visit to Iran

Встреча Генерального секретаря ШОС с Б.М.Хакимовым

SCO Secretary-General meets with Russian Special Presidential Representative for SCO Affairs

Встреча Генерального секретаря ШОС с Послом Республики Беларусь

SCO Secretary-General meets with Ambassador of Belarus

Новости жизни ШОС

SCO News

заместитель Генерального секретаря ШОС

SCO countries moving towards digital transformation


Press release following a meeting of the SCO Council of National Coordinators


Meeting of Expert Working Group on Law Enforcement and Drug-Related Crimes of the Meeting of the Heads of the Competent Authorities for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking of SCO Member States

Новости жизни ШОС

SCO News

Генеральный секретарь ШОС и Посол Казахстана в ШОС

SCO ready to monitor Kazakhstan’s parliamentary elections

Заседание постоянных представителей

Meeting of permanent representatives at SCO Secretariat

Совещание руководителей высших органов аудита ШОС

Meeting of Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions of SCO Member States

Чжан Мин встретился с С.Е.Черёминым

SCO Secretary-General meets with Moscow Government

лого индийского председательства

Website of the Indian Chairmanship in the SCO


Participation in the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly meeting

СНК Варанаси

India hosts SCO Council of National Coordinators meeting


Signing of a Protocol on the results of consultations between the SCO member states and the Republic of Belarus

Встреча ЧМ с Моргуловым

SCO Secretary-General’s meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the People’s Republic of China

Генеральный секретарь ШОС

SCO Secretary-General participates in Dialogue – Guarantee of Peace international conference

Генсек и Посол Алжира

SCO Secretary-General’s meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Algeria

Министры юстиций

Ninth Meeting of SCO Ministers of Justice

Логотип ШОС

SCO Deputy Secretary-General attends UNIDIR conference

Брифинг СМИ

SCO Observer Mission to presidential elections in Kazakhstan: Results

Чжан Мин

Informal meeting of SCO, CSTO and CIS senior officials

Чжан Мин

SCO Secretary-General’s meeting with Prime Minister of Cambodia

Чжан Мин

SCO and ASEAN Secretaries-General meet

Чжан Мин

SCO Secretary-General attends ASEAN events

Форум аналитических центров

SCO Secretary-General takes part in 2nd China plus Central Asia (C+C5) Forum of Analytical Centres


SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming to take part in the Eighth International Scientific and Practical Conference sponsored by SCO RATS

Посол Бахрейна

SCO Secretary-General’s meeting with Ambassador of Bahrain

Посол Бразилии

SCO Secretary-General’s meeting with Ambassador of Brazil

Посол Палестины

SCO Secretary-General meets with Ambassador of Palestine

Посол Сирии

SCO Secretary-General meets with Syria’s Ambassador to China


SCO Council of National Coordinators meeting ends in New Delhi