On 17 April, the SCO Secretariat hosted a meeting between SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming and Anar Alakbarov, Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The meeting participants exchanged opinions on the current state of cooperation within the SCO and prospects for promoting it, including the further expansion of interaction between the SCO and Azerbaijan in various spheres.
The Secretary-General briefed Mr Alakbarov on the main areas of cooperation within the organisation, its principles and goals, and told him about the upcoming events.
Zhang Ming and Anar Alakbarov also discussed the possibility of holding joint events in education, culture, tourism and youth cooperation.
The Secretary-General briefed Mr Alakbarov on the main areas of cooperation within the organisation, its principles and goals, and told him about the upcoming events.
Zhang Ming and Anar Alakbarov also discussed the possibility of holding joint events in education, culture, tourism and youth cooperation.