On 27 September 2024, the permanent representatives of Russia and Belarus held a jont briefing at the SCO Secretariat on promoting the Eurasian security initiatives, which their presidents advanced at the Astana summit in July 2024.
Briefing by Permanent Representatives of Russia and Belarus to the SCO Secretariat
Natalia Stepkina and Yevgeny Ryabtsev spoke about their countries’ views on shaping a new, stable architecture of equal and indivisible security for stabilising the situation throughout Eurasia.
Briefing by Permanent Representatives of Russia and Belarus to the SCO Secretariat
They pointed out that the strengthening of the SCO’s potential and international prestige was a foreign policy priority for Russia and Belarus aimed at building a more just multipolar international order in international reations and pursuing a more pragmatic and independent policy by all countries on both the domestic and global stage.
Briefing by Permanent Representatives of Russia and Belarus to the SCO Secretariat
They also spoke about the essence and organisational aspects of preparations for the second high-level international conference on Eurasian security, which will take place in Minsk on 31 October – 1 November 2024.
The briefing was attended by the permanent representaties and embassy staff of the SCO member states and senior officials from the SCO Secretariat.
Briefing by Permanent Representatives of Russia and Belarus to the SCO Secretariat
The event, which was held in a constructive and friendly spirit, was an example of practical interaction between the SCO Secretariat and permanent representatives, as well as the effective use of the SCO’s headquarters.