On July 12 2024, Zhang Ming, SCO Secretary-General, had a conversation with Igor Petrishenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, as part of his participation in the International Festival of Arts Slavyansky Bazaar and the Day of National Cultures of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation member states in Vitebsk.
The parties noted with satisfaction that the Day of SCO National Cultures was the first event of the Belarusian side after the Republic of Belarus acquired the status of a member state of the Organisation. It was proposed to include the Day of National Cultures in the calendar of annual SCO events. The parties expressed their readiness to deepen cooperation with the member states in politics, culture, and trade in order to promote the dynamic development of the region.
Встреча Генерального секретаря ШОС с заместителем Премьер-министра Беларуси
Zhang Ming greeted Belarus on its joining the SCO and highly appreciated the Republic’s role and potential as a new member. He underscored that when a dialogue partner and observer Belarus was active in implementing multilateral SCO projects. They expressed confidence that Minsk would continue to make a significant contribution to the development of the Organisation and help raise cooperation to a new level.