Your Excellency Vice Minister Zhao Yingming,
Your Excellency Vice Chairperson Cui Li,
Distinguished heads of environment administrations, experts and scholars from countries of the SCO family, and representatives of international organizations,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the SCO Forum “Year of Ecology 2024”. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the co-hosts of the Forum, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, the SCO Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Commission, and the Shandong Provincial Government, for the thoughtful organization and meticulous arrangement in preparation and holding of the Forum, and to countries of the SCO family for their strong support and active participation in this event.
I take this opportunity to congratulate Belarus on its official accession to the SCO and welcome Belarus to participate in the SCO Forum on the Thematic Year as a Member State.
Distinguished Guests,
The SCO region boasts favorable natural conditions and rich ecological resources, including abundant water sources, rolling mountains, vast grasslands, fertile farmland, dense forests and biodiversity. It provides precious natural wealth that generations after generations of people depend on for their livelihood.
In the context of global climate change, the SCO region is also facing increasingly serious threats and challenges to ecological security, whether it is the accelerated melting of glaciers in the Himalayas, the Tianshan Mountains and the Pamir Plateau, the continuous shrinking of the Aral Sea and the desertification and salinization of surrounding areas, or the increasingly frequent extreme weather disasters such as floods, droughts and sandstorms. They endanger the well-being of people in the region and undermine the foundation of security and development of all countries. In this connection, it is all the more necessary for the SCO Member States to work together to protect the ecology and environment and safeguard our common home and future.
Distinguished Guests,
During the SCO Summit in New Delhi last year, the Heads of Member States of the SCO unanimously adopted an important decision to declare 2024 the SCO Year of Ecology. This is a strong response to the severe ecological situation in the region and reflects the determination of Member States to strengthen cooperation in the field of ecological and environmental protection. Over the past year, the SCO Member States have actively promoted the implementation of this decision and achieved unprecedented, remarkable results.
First, our common position on ecological cooperation has become stronger. The Member States have adopted a series of declarations, statements, strategies and agreements on cooperation in environmental protection, which have helped build consensus and form common positions on ecological protection. The Astana Declaration of the SCO Council of Heads of State spoke highly of the rich activities on the SCO Year of Ecology and clarified the consensus on principles of strengthening cooperation in environmental protection, ecological security and reasonable use of natural resources. Among the 25 outcome documents of the Astana Summit, four focus on cooperation in ecological and environmental protection in areas such as natural reserves, ecotourism, safe drinking water, and effective waste management. In addition, a number of cooperation documents adopted at the summit in the fields of politics, economy and energy expound in great length on the SCO cooperation consensus in the establishment of cross-border ecological partnerships, the development of green economy, and the development and utilization of low-carbon, renewable and clean energy.
Second, our joint actions for ecological protection have become more efficient. The Member States have formulated a comprehensive and detailed joint action plan for the Year of Ecology, and held nearly 20 round tables, seminars, tree planting activities, voluntary services and public awareness lectures on environmental issues, with a view to fostering and consolidating the awareness of environmental protection and shaping a green lifestyle among the general public, especially young people. The Member States also agreed to set up a special working group on climate change, which is to prioritize the study of methods to overcome the adverse impact of climate change. The SCO Secretariat has fully supported Member States in implementing the decision on the Year of Ecology, and has hosted many events and seminars on climate change, ecological security and green economy.
Third, our international collaboration on ecological security has become closer. The SCO stays open-minded to ecological and environmental cooperation and stands ready to carry out close exchanges and cooperation with partner international organizations. In February this year, the SCO and the UN Environment Programme held a high-level joint event in Nairobi on the theme “One Planet, One Future: Joining Efforts for Environmental Sustainability”. The two sides signed an MOU on cooperation, providing impetus for the SCO to leverage the platform of UN specialized agencies to advance ecological and environmental protection and green development in the SCO region and beyond.
Distinguished Guests,
A few days ago, at the initiative of President Xi Jinping, the Astana Summit took the decision of designating 2025 as the SCO Year of Sustainable Development. This is an important step to carry forward the initiative of the SCO Year on Ecology, which will add further impetus and provide fresh ideas for bringing the SCO ecological cooperation wider, deeper and higher. We believe and trust that the Chinese presidency and other member states will make new and important contributions to SCO ecological cooperation in the framework of the implementation of the initiative of the SCO Year on Sustainable Development Year .
Following the SCO Forum “Year of Tourism 2023” and the SCO Forum “Year of Ecology 2024” today, the SCO Secretariat plans to hold the SCO Forum “Year of Sustainable Development 2025” next year in due course. We look forward to the strong support and active participation of the Chinese presidency, the Member States and countries of the SCO family.
Distinguished Guests,
Finally, I sincerely hope that today’s Forum will provide a new platform and opportunity for member states of the SCO family to discuss ecological and environmental cooperation. The SCO Secretariat will continue to closely coordinate with all countries and do its utmost to contribute to the healthy and sustainable development of the Organization.
I wish the Forum a great success and all delegation fruitful outcomes.
Thank you.