On 8 July 2024, SCO Deputy Secretary-General Nuran Niyazaliyev spoke at the sub-forum Technological Innovations for Green and High-Quality Development, part of the SCO Forum on Green Development in Qingdao, China.
In his remarks, Nuran Niyazaliyev informed the participants about the results of the SCO Heads of State Council Meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan, on 4 July 2024. He noted that SCO countries were cooperating closely on environmental protection issues and science and technological innovations in accordance with the Shanghai Spirit that prioritises mutual trust and benefits, equality, mutual consultations, respect for cultural and civilisational diversity and a striving for joint development.
He noted various advantages of the SCO Family’s countries, including a tremendous science and technological potential, state-of-the-art technologies and innovative achievements, as well as their vast territory stretching from the Maldives to the Arctic, as well as from Egyptian deserts in Africa to the cold mountains of Russia’s Chukotka. Environmental protection through technological innovations, as well as stronger international cooperation in this sphere, are inalienable components of a successful conversion to a green and sustainable future, Nuran Niyazaliyev noted.