On 13-14 June, Samarkand hosted the Fourth Samarkand Human Rights Forum, Environmental Challenges: Ensuring Sustainable Solutions for the Future of Human Rights in a Changing World.
The forum was attended by high-level representatives of the United Nations and its specialised bodies, as well as the OSCE, EU, OIC, SCO, CIS, ОEС, CICA, TURKPA and over 200 international and national experts.
SCO Secretariat representative Behrooz Mokhtari noted in his address that due to global climate change, our planet has faced a grave environmental situation which has become the main obstacle and threat to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. He emphasised that the SCO is firmly committed to sustainable development and attaches great importance to cooperation in environmental protection, environmental security and climate change, and rational use of natural resources. These important areas are reflected in the SCO Development Strategy until 2025, the Concept of Cooperation in Environmental Protection of the SCO Member States, Action Plans for its implementation, as well as in other relevant documents.