On 24 September 2021, the Zhongguancun Forum (ZGC), one of the main innovation and technology platforms, opened in Beijing. The five-day science and technology forum is devoted to Intelligence, Health and Carbon Neutrality. The opening ceremony was attended by Vice Premier of China Liu He and Communist Party Secretary of Beijing Cai Qi. President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping delivered a welcome address via videoconference.
The President of China noted that innovations are the most important development driver and that China is going to increase international scientific and technology exchanges by adopting a more open position. He urged countries to boost openness and cooperation in the field of science and technology in order to jointly deal with the global challenges that are getting in the way of the recreation of the global economy following the COVID-19 pandemic.
В Пекине открылся ежегодный Форум Чжунгуаньцунь
SCO Secretary-General Vladimir Norov greeted the forum participants via videoconference, noting that "the introduction of advanced technologies that are a result of innovation and creativity will improve or create conditions to improve the quality of life and serve the cause of mankind while taking into account its interests." The Secretary-General spoke about the comprehensive activities of the SCO in expanding cooperation in this sphere. "In 2021, experts from the SCO member states began the development of a concept to create a pool of SCO technological clusters based on the integration of the research, educational and production sectors of the SCO countries. It will facilitate the creation of competitive high-tech products, improve the structure of exports by increasing the share of innovations and reducing the share of commodities, while improving the status of the SCO countries on the global technology market," he said.
ZGC is the first national innovation demonstration zone in China, and the ZGC Forum is the national platform for global exchanges and cooperation in research and technological innovations.
ZGC is the first national innovation demonstration zone in China, and the ZGC Forum is the national platform for global exchanges and cooperation in research and technological innovations.
The ZGC Forum has been devoted to innovations and development since its launch in 2007. Over 500 companies from all over the world will present their latest developments at the forum, which will bring together more than 400 foreign participants, including scientists, leaders of international organisations, entrepreneurs and investors from 40 countries and regions.
The Zhongguancun technology park, located in the northwest of Beijing, is often called China's Silicon Valley and is a hub for the country's leading universities, research centres and high-tech companies.
On 17 September 2021, the SCO Council of Heads of State in Dushanbe adopted a declaration on improving cooperation in science, technology and innovations in order to increase research, technical and innovation potential and to promote sustainable social and economic development of the SCO member states.
Read more at: http://rus.sectsco.org/news/20210917/779218.html
This year, the panel session on the innovation and youth exchanges аt the SCO venue is being held for the first time. The event will take place on 26 September in Zhongguancun technology park.