14 december 2018Event dedicated to the life of Chyngyz Aitmatov held in BeijingВ Пекине прошёл вечер, посвящённый юбилею Чынгыза АйтматоваEvent dedicated to the life of Chyngyz Aitmatov held in BeijingEvent dedicated to the life of Chyngyz Aitmatov held in BeijingEvent dedicated to the life of Chyngyz Aitmatov held in BeijingEvent dedicated to the life of Chyngyz Aitmatov held in BeijingEvent dedicated to the life of Chyngyz Aitmatov held in BeijingEvent dedicated to the life of Chyngyz Aitmatov held in BeijingEvent dedicated to the life of Chyngyz Aitmatov held in BeijingEvent dedicated to the life of Chyngyz Aitmatov held in BeijingEvent dedicated to the life of Chyngyz Aitmatov held in BeijingEvent dedicated to the life of Chyngyz Aitmatov held in Beijing / 10