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SCO Secretary-General addresses 82nd session of Inland Transport Committee of UN Economic Commission for Europe


SCO Secretary-General Vladimir Norov meets with WHO Deputy Director-General Zsuzsanna Jakab


SCO Secretary-General meets with Director-General of the UN Office in Geneva Tatiana Valovaya


SCO Secretary-General’s meeting with Secretary General of the International Road Transport Union


SCO Secretary-General attends the 56th Munich Security Conference


SCO Secretary-General meets with Slovak Foreign Minister


SCO Secretary-General meets with Mongolian Foreign Minister


SCO Secretary-General meets with Vice-Chairman of the Munich Security Conference


SCO Secretary-General meets with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus

В Москве состоялось первое в 2020 году заседание  Совета национальных координаторов государств-членов ШОС

Moscow hosts first meeting of SCO Council of National Coordinators in 2020


SCO Secretary-General meets with President of Azerbaijan


SCO Secretary-General meets with OSCE Secretary General

STATEMENT of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation on the novel coronavirus epidemic

SCO Secretariat supports strong and effective measures of the Chinese Government to combat coronavirus (VIDEO)

SCO Secretariat supports strong and effective measures of the Chinese Government to combat coronavirus (VIDEO)

Председатель Государственного комитета по делам здравоохранения КНР направил письмо Генеральному секретарю ШОС

Head of China’s National Health Commission sends a message to SCO Secretary-General

Делегация ШОС возложила цветы к памятнику Алишера Навои

SCO delegation lays flowers at Alisher Navoiy monument

Заместитель Генерального секретаря ШОС Ш. Джонон встретился с Помощником Президента, Заведующим отделом внешней политики Администрации Президента Азербайджанской Республики Х. Гаджиевым

Deputy SCO Secretary-General Sherali Jonon meets with Presidential Aide, Head of Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Hikmet Hajiyev

SCO Secretary-General Vladimir Norov sends a letter of condolences to Foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu


Deputy SCO Secretary-General Sherali Jonon meets with Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan Panakhov

Миссия ШОС почтила память Гейдара Алиева

SCO Mission commemorates Heydar Aliyev