On 23 November, SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming met with Director General of the Tourism Marketing Bureau of the Islamic Republic of Iran Moslem Shojaei on the sidelines of the SCO Year of Tourism 2023 forum in Urumqi, China.

Moslem Shojaei commended the SCO Secretariat's initiative in organising the tourism forum. He highlighted the region's vast tourism potential and stressed the importance of utilising it fully among the SCO member countries to reduce poverty and promote the region’s social development.

Zhang Ming expressed his appreciation for Iran's participation in the forum as a member state. He thanked the head of the Iranian delegation for their active involvement and shared information about the SCO's tourism projects. He acknowledged Iran's unique and rich tourism resources and expressed confidence that the forum would facilitate the development of promising tourism cooperation projects with all participants, giving a fresh boost to the advancement of the humanitarian track.
Форум ШОС "Год туризма 2023"

Форум ШОС "Год туризма 2023"

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