On 13 September 2021, a series of thematic postage stamps and envelopes dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation were presented in Dushanbe.
The presentation was organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Communication Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.
В г.Душанбе состоялась презентация серии тематических почтовых марок и конвертов
Attending the event were the national coordinators of the SCO member states, scientists and cultural figures, as well as representatives of local and international media.
The commemorative stamps were issued as part of the implementation of the tasks outlined in the programme of Tajikistan's SCO Presidency in 2020-2021.
The series of commemorative stamps consists of eight stamps, each of which depicts the flags and emblems of the SCO member states.
В г.Душанбе состоялась презентация серии тематических почтовых марок и конвертов
The series of commemorative envelopes also consists of eight envelopes, each depicting one cultural and historical architectural monument of the SCO member states (India — Akshardham Temple, Kazakhstan — Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi China — Bamboo (Qiongzhu) Temple, Kyrgyzstan — Gumbez of Manas, Pakistan — Wazir Khan Mosque, Russia — Golden Ring, Tajikistan — Sheikh Muslikhiddin Mosque, Uzbekistan — Jami Mosque).