Members of the SCO Observer Mission continued to monitor the presidential election in Khujand (the administrative centre of the Sughd Region), in the town of Buston and in the Bobojon Ghafurov District.
Meanwhile, other SCO Mission members of staff have been carrying out their duties in the towns of Danghara and Norak (Khatlon Region) and in the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe.
The observers noted that the necessary conditions had been created for holding the presidential election at a very high level. They pointed out that the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of the Republic of Tajikistan had instructed the polling stations to strictly comply with the sanitary-epidemiological and healthcare standards in light of the continued spread of the COVID-19 infection.
Each polling station has normal voting booths and ones for people with disabilities. There is also a room for mothers with children, a first aid point, as well as a place for national and international observers and members of the secretariat. Ballot boxes were placed in salient and accessible locations.
The SCO Observer Mission includes accredited representatives of the legislative, executive and election authorities and research institutions, as well as diplomats from SCO member states and officials from the SCO Secretariat.
The SCO observers will submit their official conclusions and assessments of monitoring the presidential election campaign in the Republic of Tajikistan when the election process is over.