On 13 May, 2020 a workshop on countering the spread of the novel coronavirus infection COVID-19 was held as a video conference with leading Chinese doctors and scientists. The workshop was made possible by the Alibaba Group and the Jack Ma Foundation with support from the SCO Secretariat. The event was attended by representatives from the SCO member states: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, plus the Republic of Belarus as an observer state, and dialogue partner, the Republic of Azerbaijan.
SCO Deputy Secretary-General Sherali Jonon noted that medical workers' efforts during the coronavirus pandemic deserve high praise and recognition. China's efforts to combat the disease, which helped contain the spread and stop an increase in the number of infected people, were noted separately.
AliHealth Vice President Ma Li noted the particular importance of sharing experience, achievements and corresponding materials between countries. She said a special platform, GMCC, (https://gmcc.alibabadoctor.com) had been created to this end. It has been used to hold over a dozen online seminars with over 1,000 medical workers from Asia and Africa.
The doctors from the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University spoke before the participants providing a brief overview of the hospital department for patients with COVID-19. This medical centre is notable for its zero nosocomial transmission rate.
A video on urban control and hospital management amid an epidemic in China was also shown.
There was also a discussion where the participants exchanged opinions and asked questions.