Международная конференция, посвящённая 10-летию подписания Договора о долгосрочном добрососедстве, дружбе и сотрудничестве государств-членов ШОС

International conference on the 10th anniversary of the Treaty on Long-Term Good Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the SCO member states

Международная конференция, посвящённая 10-летию подписания Договора о долгосрочном добрососедстве, дружбе и сотрудничестве государств-членов ШОС

International conference on the 10th anniversary of the Treaty on Long-Term Good Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the SCO member states

Международная конференция, посвящённая 10-летию подписания Договора о долгосрочном добрососедстве, дружбе и сотрудничестве государств-членов ШОС

International conference on the 10th anniversary of the Treaty on Long-Term Good Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the SCO member states

Международная конференция, посвящённая 10-летию подписания Договора о долгосрочном добрососедстве, дружбе и сотрудничестве государств-членов ШОС

International conference on the 10th anniversary of the Treaty on Long-Term Good Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the SCO member states

Международная конференция, посвящённая 10-летию подписания Договора о долгосрочном добрососедстве, дружбе и сотрудничестве государств-членов ШОС

International conference on the 10th anniversary of the Treaty on Long-Term Good Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the SCO member states

Международная конференция, посвящённая 10-летию подписания Договора о долгосрочном добрососедстве, дружбе и сотрудничестве государств-членов ШОС

International conference on the 10th anniversary of the Treaty on Long-Term Good Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation between the SCO member states

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